Just Add Supergrains (Set 2)

We touched on the difference between whole grains versus refined grains in Part 1 of Just Add Supergrains and in Part 2, we introduce 2 more fabulous new whole grains packed full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and nutrients.  They include farro and amaranth.  Continue reading for more information about these 2 super grains you can add to your diet!


top health benefits of farro


Just Add Farro Supergrains!


What is Farro Supergrains?

Not many people have heard of farro.  The supergrain originates from Egypt and the Middle East and it is a chewy, wheat-like grain that tastes similar to barley.  Although it may seem trendy right now, it’s actually an ancient nutritional grain first domesticated over 10,000 years ago.  It now grows in central and northern Italy and throughout the Middle East.  Sometimes, people mistaken the farro supergrain with spelt which looks familiar but is an entirely different grain.  Please note that “farro” is often called ‘faro’ as well.  The Faro Supergrain is exactly the same as Farro (spelt with a double ‘r’).


Why You Should Add Farro Supergrains to your Grocery List

In a nutshell, the farro supergrain is often used as substitute for rice or pasta, and for good nutritional reasons.  Farro is a supergrain with a nutty flavour (like brown or dark rice) and it is extremely high in fiber, magnesium and vitamins A, B, C and E.  According to Ashley Koff dietitian, magnesium is often called ‘natures muscle relaxant’ and can be used to treat tension and cramps.  The fiber content is very high compared to other grains as well which aids in your digestion.  Farro’s complex carbohydrates also break down slowly, which help to keep your energy levels very stable.  The farro grain also contains cyanogenic glucosides which is a type of carbohydrate that boosts your immune system.


Farro Supergrains Nutrition Info


(1/4 cup)

Calories: 170

Carbs: 35g

Fibre: 5g

Protein: 7g

Fat: 1g



How To Eat Farro Supergrains

The farro grain is easy to cook and prepare and goes well with a kaleidoscope of dishes.  Taking over menus by storm the farro supergrain is now seen as a main ingredient in soups, salads, main entrees and even desserts. Here is an example of how farro is cooked and served: Soak the grains overnight, and drain. Combine 2 cups water with 1 cup farro and bring to a boil; then reduce heat, cover, and simmer 25 to 35 minutes. This is much like quinoa don’t you think? For 6 to 8 servings of a hearty vegetarian dish, chef Heap mixes 2 cups cooked farro with 1/2 pound sautéed shiitake mushrooms, ¼ cup cream, and ¼ cup Parmigiano-Reggiano, then simmers until thick, adding salt to taste. YUM!


top health benefits of amaranth

Just Add Amaranth Supergrains!


What is Amaranth Supergrain?

There are over 60 species of amaranth supergrain that come in a variety of colors.  Many of the species are actually considered weeds, but there are just as many that are cultivated as grains for consumption.  The origination of the amaranth supergrain is from South America and Mexico and the growth of this supergrain has seen crop yields throughout Asia and the Caribbean.  It’s definitely making its way to menus in North America and Europe now for good reason!


Why You Should Add Amaranth Supergrain to your Grocery List

The nutritional benefits of eating amaranth is why it’s been launched into the superfood category.  Firstly, amaranth is high in vitamins with a good source of Vitamin A, B6, K and C as well as folate and riboflavin.  In addition, the amaranth supergrain is high in numerous minerals that include calcium, potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorous and manganese.  The amaranth supergrain also contains large amounts of easily digestible proteins, and are unusually complete when compared with other plant sources of protein.  Lots of amino acids, dietary fiber and low fat are other great features of this ancient supergrain.  It’s also very palatable and easy/quick to cook.  The oils in the amaranth supergrain have been shown to prevent hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases in addition to lowering cholesterol.  It’s also an immune booster and prevents grey hair in early testing stages.


Caution: Amaranth’s moderately high content of oxalic acid inhibits much of the absorption of calcium and zinc. It should be avoided or eaten in moderation by those with gout, kidney disorders or rheumatoid arthritis. Reheating cooked amaranth is not recommended, particularly for consumption by young children, because the nitrates in the leaves can be converted to nitrites, as in spinach.


Amaranth Supergrain Nutrition Info


(100 grams)

Calories: 371

Carbs: 66g

Fibre: 7g

Protein: 14g

Fat: 7g


How To Eat Amaranth Supergrain

Bring 3 cups water or broth and 1 cup of amaranth seeds to a boil; cover and simmer 20 to 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cooked amaranth has an oatmeal-like consistency. Enjoy amaranth supergrain as a hot cereal, or use it to stuff mushrooms or tomatoes. When baking, replace up to ¼ of the white flour with amaranth flour.

Just Add These NEW SUPERGRAINS (Set 1)


Whole grains support a balanced, healthy diet1. Traditional whole grains that consumers have typically bought include whole wheat bread, brown rice and oatmeal.  However, there are several new whole grains called ‘supergrains’ that are making their way to local grocery stores.  These include amaranth and buckwheat, and the newest stars: freekeh and teff.  This article explores the latter supergrains and explains their nutritional value, health benefits and how to prepare them for you and your family.


A ‘grain’ contains 3 parts: germ, bran and endospermWhole grains contain all 3 parts of the grain.  This is in contrast to ‘refined grains’ that only contain the endosperm (only 1 of 3 parts of the whole grain).  Typical refined grains that we find at the grocery store or bakery include white flour and white rice just to name a couple.  The reason why new supergrains and whole grains are better than refined grains is that the bran and germ contain not only a denser food but also a much higher nutrient profile for better nutritional value.  Refined grains have no germ or bran and therefore, the product loses much of the essential vitamins, minerals and fiber which make supergrains and whole grains far superior.


Here are the new supergrains that you should check out.  Just Add these new supergrains into your diet to reap the benefits of the incredible nutrients and flavour that they bring to the table.


top health benefits of freekeh supergrains


Just Add Freekeh Supergrains!


What is Freekeh Supergrains?


This valuable supergrain is native of the Middle East (think Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Syria) and it is the ‘newest-oldest’ superfood in the world as described by some dieticians.  Freekeh is actually the name of the process in which young, soft, under ripe and green wheat is harvested and then roasted and dried before processing into a supergrain.  Because there is high moisture content when the wheat is harvested, the seeds don’t burn through the roasting process. Freekeh is not the name of the grain, as it is derived from wheat itself.  However, by harvesting wheat early through freekeh, the highest nutritional content can be preserved for consumption.


Why You Should Add Freekeh Supergrains to your Grocery List


There are so many freekeh health benefits that we won’t be able to talk about all of them in this blog article.  However, in general, freekey has a low glycemic index (for slowly releasing sustained energy) as well as high fiber content (up to 4x the amount found in brown rice).  As well, freekeh is known to act as a prebiotic to help maintain a good level of healthy bacteria in your digestive tract (important for both immune function as well as bowel health.


In addition, the freekeh supergrain features high levels of calcium, iron and zinc and is very low in fat.  As well, freekeh supergrain is a very good source of plant based protein and is also rich in both lutein and zeaxanthin which are phytonutrient carotenoids that support vision and eye health.


When you compare quinoa versus freekeh, the latter supergrain actually yields a slightly higher content of protein and calories per serving.  However, freekeh contains 2x the amount of fiber when compared with quinoa.


Freekeh Supergrains Nutrition Info


(3/4 cup cooked)

Calories: 120

Carbs: 24g

Fibre: 5.5g

Protein: 4.2g

Fat: 0.9g


How To Eat Freekeh Supergrains


Just cook the freekeh and add to your pasta or salad dish.  You can easily use freekeh in place of quinoa or rice and you can certainly add it to a soup.  PLEASE NOTE, however, freekeh is NOT gluten-free!


top health benefits of teff super grains

Just Add Teff Supergrains!


What is Teff Supergrains?


First of all, the teff supergrain is absolutely GLUTEN-FREE (unlike freekeh)!  Secondly, the teff supergrain comes from Ethopia and Eritrea in Africa.  It’s a lovegrass grain of the genus Eragrostis and is thrives especially on harsh weather conditions regardless of moisture, sunlight and humidity.  Because of its unique ability to survive in various climates, the teff supergrain is now harvested worldwide!  It’s also one of the smallest grains in the world and it’s been consumed for over 4,000 years!


Why You Should Add Teff Supergrains to your Grocery List


The first thing to note is that Teff is not a refined grain… it’s way too small to be processed in any way, which is great.  Therefore, teff is a whole grain, or what we call a supergrain because of its many health benefits and nutritional profile.  One of the unique properties of the teff supergrain is the resistant starch content which is a type of dietary fiber that maintains blood sugar levels, benefits the colon and supports weight management.  In addition, teff is very high in iron, calcium, protein, fiber and B vitamins.


The Teff whole grain can be found in nearly all health food stores and some local grocers.  It can be stored in a cool, dark place like all other grains or even in the fridge or freezer.


Teff Supergrains Nutrition Info


(100 grams)

Calories: 350

Carbs: 70g

Fibre: 7.5g

Protein: 13g

Fat: 2.5g


How To Eat Teff Supergrains


If you’ve been to an Ethiopian restaurant, you’ve probably ordered injera, a pancake-like tortilla made primarily from the Teff whole grain.  You can easily use Teff in place of white flour or other grains to make crepes and pancakes yourself too.  You can add it to salads and soups, cookies and soups.



1 O’Neil C., et al. (2010). Whole-grain consumption is associated with diet quality and nutrient intake in adults: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2004. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 110:1461

BLACK is the new GREEN! 6 Amazing BLACK Superfoods!

If you asked most people what color foods contain the most nutrients, vitamins and minerals, they will point you towards green foods.  However, there are a number of studies and proven facts about how BLACK foods are just as good and in many ways, even better than green foods.


Black is the new green!  How so?  New studies show that many black or dark pigmented foods contain more antioxidants than lighter colored foods.  The high pigment content also gives more nutrient density, packing in more useful and vital vitamins and minerals into each bite.  Therefore, many nutritionists and dieticians now proclaim that Black is the new Green.  Dark fruits, veggies, produce and grains are nutritional powerhouses.  The dark black color comes from anthocyanins.  These anthocyanins cause dark pigmentation in fresh produce and whole foods and they may help lower the risks of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.  Black superfoods also contain higher levels of fiber, protein, antioxidants and phytonutrients when compared to there counterparts.  As well, black superfoods are now more readily available in local grocery stores.


In additional studies, researchers are also trying to figure out if these anthocyanins from black plants and whole foods can help treat cancers, heart diseases and diabetes.  Black foods can now be found in many supermarkets but if you can’t find any, try natural food stores and small local grocers.  So what are the best black foods?  And how is Black the new Green when it comes to diet and nutrition?  Find out more about Black is the new Green below:


Black tea superfood


Black Tea

Let’s start off with one of our favourite black foods.  Although white and green teas get all the diet and nutrition hype as some of the best healthy drinks in the world, black tea has many perks as well.  The dark pigmentation of black teas gives the drink theaflavins.  According to the New Jersey Rugers University, theaflavins are special antioxidants found in black tea that help improve muscle recovery during and after intense workouts and exercise.  In addition, theaflavin antioxidants in black tea may also help in healing muscle soreness.  Another health benefit of black tea is that studies have shown that is may also lower your risk of heart disease and heart attacks.  Just add black tea!


Black soybeans super food

Black Soybeans

Although yellow and green soybeans get all the attention (think edamame in Japanese cuisine), black soybeans are the real superfood when it comes to soy beans.  Although all soybean oils contain alpha linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid which reduces the risk of heart disease, black soybean oil seems to contain the highest levels of this health benefit.  As well, a recent study from Korean researchers show that black soybeans also reduce the risk of thrombosis, a type of blood clot that is in some cases, fatal.  Just add black soybeans!


Black beans superfood

Black Beans

Just like black soybeans, black beans also contain higher levels of nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids and other minerals that aid in regular body function and combatting disease.  The dark black beans are packed with bioflavonoids.  According to Cornell University, the high levels of bioflavonoids in black beans help protect us from all forms of cancer.  The potent plant base nutrients are exceptional.  Just add black beans.




Often overlooked due to the hype surrounding goji berries, blueberries and acai berry, blackberries are actually some of the most nutritional dense berries.  High in fiber which aids in digestion, one cup of blackberries contains more than 30% of your daily fiber requirements!  In addition, blackberries also contain polyphenols which help reduce cognitive decline and aid in brain/nervous function.  The polyphenols help clean up cells that impair daily brain function according to Boston’s Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.  Just add blackberries!


Black lentils super food

Black Lentils

Many vegans and vegetarians eat black lentils because of their high iron content.  About one cup of black lentils gives you close to 40% of your daily recommended intake of iron for women, which is just incredible.  In addition, lentils, specifically black lentils or those with a darker pigmentation, will contain high levels of soluble and digestible fiber.  This will help lower your cholesterol, improve immune function and even reduce your chance of heart disease according a new study done at the University of Illinois.  Just add black lentils!


Black rice is the new green

Black Rice

Most of us grew up eating white rice or brown rice.  Not many of us know that there is even black rice on the market.  Brown rice is better than white, but black is better than either of them.  That’s because the bran hull of black rice contains significantly higher amounts of Vitamin E.  As you know Vitamin E helps boost our immune system to combat diseases and it also protects our cells from free radical damage.  According to a recent study at the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, black rice contains more anthocyanin antioxidants than blueberries!  Just add black rice!


The top 6 black superfoods explained in this article includes: black tea, black soybeans, black beans, blackberries, black lentils and black rice.

PURPLE is the new GREEN! Try These Purple Veggies and Fruits!


Purple produce takes a backseat when it comes to regular grocery shopping.  Those weird and colorful vegetables and fruit often cost a bit more and are stuck in the back of the grocery aisle where nobody can see them.  However, over the past few years, purple produce (vegetables, whole foods and fruits with a purple pigmentation) have gained a lot more recognition amongst chefs, scientists and grocery stores in addition to local grocers.  Back in 2009, an article in the Chicago Tribune called The Color Purple: Disease Fighter was published.  This article explained some of the many advantages and nutritional health benefits of eating purple produce.  The distinctive purple hue gives purple vegetables, purple whole foods and purple fruit that added nutritional power and have cast purple produce into the super food category.




Here’s a paragraph from The Color Purple: Disease Fighter

Purple is not simply a popular trend in fashion. This color of royalty, dubbed the “new black” by fashionistas, is also the new black in food. In produce aisles, at farmers markets and on restaurant menus, you can now find a growing array of heirloom and specialty vegetables with a distinctive purple hue — purple potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, beans, corn, asparagus, peppers, baby artichokes and cauliflower. Beyond the pleasing appearance on the plate, the purple color is a cue for nutritional power.


So why the sudden interest in purple vegetables and heirloom produce?  The answer is simple.  The dark pigmentation that is responsible for the purple tones in these types of produce are called anthocyanins.  So what are anthocyanins?  Anthocyanins are a type of phytonutrient that is gaining attention because recent studies have suggested that they help reduce the risk of many types of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.  In some human studies, anthocyanins have helped fight these three diseases as well.  Some other evidence suggests that anthocyanins in purple produce will help protect our brains when we grow old.  Here are some fast facts about the health benefits of purple vegetables, fruits and whole foods in recent research studies:




A recent USDA study found that 2 servings of purple potatoes a day helped lower blood pressure as much as a serving of oatmeal.  Many of the people in this study by Joe Vinson at the University of Scranton were overweight or obese and many of them were taking medication for high blood pressure during this study.


An Ohio State University study found that dark berries helped fight cancer by reducing inflammation.  Not only that, but purple berries were found to suppress the growth of cancer cells and even trigger cancer cell death naturally.


Another Ohio State University research study found that the anthocyanins in purple corn were the most potent in inhibiting the growth of colon cancer cells when evaluated against many other fruits and vegetables.


Some UK scientists used purple snapdragon genes to increase the anthocyanins in regular tomatoes.  The result was a dark purple pigmentation in the tomatoes that also produced much higher levels of anthocyanins and even comparable to that of blueberries and blackberries.  Cancer susceptible mice who were fed these gmo purple tomatoes lived longer.




Ever since the cultivation and farming methods of today were implemented, purple produce remained relatively unknown.  Because of their naturally bitter taste, they were deemed undesirable when compared against other traditional sweeter produce.  Take for instance this quote from Jo Robinson, the author of Eating on the Wild Side: The Missing Link to Optimum Health:


Throughout the ages, our farming ancestors have chosen the least bitter plants to grow in their gardens. It is now known that many of the most beneficial phytonutrients have a bitter, sour or astringent taste. Second, early farmers favored plants that were relatively low in fiber and high in sugar, starch and oil. These energy-dense plants were pleasurable to eat and provided the calories needed to fuel a strenuous lifestyle. The more palatable our fruits and vegetables became, however, the less advantageous they were for our health.




And here are some of the most popular purple vegetables and produce available in stores today:


Stokes Purple Sweet Potatoes

Sangria Artichokes

Fiesole Baby Artichokes

Fiore Viola Artichokes

Purple Cauliflower

Baby Purple Cauliflower

Purple Kohlrabi

Graffiti Eggplant


Kale Sprouts

Purple Asparagus

Red Onions

Purple Potatoes

Passion Fruit

Purple Wax Beans

Baby Purple Brussels Sprouts

Champagne Grapes

Concord Grapes



SOAK + SPROUT – The Most Nutritious Foods in the World! DIY Sprout Process


Great infographic about how to grow your own nutritious sprouts! SOAK + SPROUT Infographic shows you how long to soak and how long it takes to sprout various things.

Seeds, nuts, grains and beans are covered in chemicals called enzyme inhibitors which prevent premature germination and store nutrients for plant growth. When humans consume these chemicals, they reduce the absorption of important minerals and proteins causing nutrient deficiencies and other health issues. Soaking and sprouting bypasses this issue as it activates the seed and neutralises the inhibitors.

For more about the high nutritional content of sprouts, please read our previous blog post here.





Get Up to 900% MORE NUTRITION from Sprouts Versus Fully Grown Foods

Sprouting foods is the ultimate vegan or vegetarian staple food because of their high levels of nutritional value. It’s been proven that sprouts carry abnormally high levels of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients when compared to fully grown foods.




You can reap the incredible health and nutritional benefits of sprouts just 2 to 8 days after you start the germination process! By doing so, you can grow some of the most nutritionally potent foods in the world in less than a week! Just like microgreens, sprouts from vegetable seeds, bean and nuts contain considerable amounts of nutrients in the form of phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins. When compared to fully grown foods, there’s just NO COMPARISON.




Here are some details about nutrition from sprouts versus fully grown foods that you may not be aware of:

Sprouts contain very high levels of protein that are easily absorbable and digestible (plant based proteins).

Sprouts contain more calcium, potassium, iron, sodium and Vitamins A, B1/2/3 and C when compared to their fully grown counterparts.

By soaking nuts and seeds (which is the start of a sprout germination process), you can lesson nutritional depletion and remove toxins. This process can also remove phytates that inhibit the absorption of iron, zinc, copper, magnesium and calcium.

Sprouting peas can yield 800% more Vitamin C then fully grown peas.

Sprouting broccoli (after just 3 days) can yield up to 50 times more phytonutrients than consuming a mature broccoli spear.

Sprouting alfalfa grains contains more natural chlorophyll than mater parsley, kale, spinach or cabbage.

Of course, you can find microgreens and organic sprouts in any health food/organic store. However, it is just as easy for you to grow your own sprouts. It’s clean and simple to do. Plus sprouting is economic considering the high nutritional value of food you get for your dollar.



Everything You Need To Know About Calories > Ultimate Calorie Infographic

Thanks to your friends at LifeQuotes4U, here is the ultimate calorie infographic that explains: what a calorie is, calorie recommendations, examples in fast food and take-out meals and how calories are burned in exercise and through sport. It’s a real eye-opener!



The calorie infographic above gives you an idea of how calories are measured and how they are burned (or not burned) off through fitness and exercise.  Just Add Good Stuff believes that it is important for all of us to be more aware of what we are putting in and on our bodies and understanding what calories are and where they come from is essential in controlling our nutrition and diet.  It’s up to us to make sure that we are feeding ourselves with nutritional foods and not empty calories.  As mentioned in this calorie infographic, a calorie is the approximate amount of energy that is required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.  The term ‘calorie’ was first used in 1824 as a unit of measurement of heat.  It has now come to be used as a unit of measurement of the energy contained within food and drink.  When you look at labels, cal (all lower case) is 1 small calorie.  This is NOT to be confused with Cal (with a capital ‘C’) which is equivalent to 1000 small calories (cal).  The Cal is also known as the kcal (or kilocalorie).  Remember that most packaging labels use cal and NOT kcal or Cal.


The Ultimate Guide to Calories Infographic


Calorie Recommendations according to…

As you see in this calorie infographic, the NHS (Great Britain) recommends that the average man requires 2,500 Calories per day.  The average woman, in comparison, requires only 2,000 Calories per day. On the other hand, the USA Government recommendations for daily Calorie intake is as follows:

2-3 Years Old = 1,000 Cal for males | 1,000 Cal for females

4-8 Years Old = 1,400 Cal for males | 1,200 Cal for females

9-13 Years Old = 1,800 Cal for males | 1,600 Cal for females

14-18 Years Old = 2,200 Cal for males | 1,800 Cal for females

19-30 Years Old = 2,400 Cal for males | 2,000 Cal for females

31-50 Years Old = 2,200 Cal for males | 1,800 Cal for females

51+ Years Old = 2,000 Cal for males | 1,600 Cal for females


The USA Government also recommends these levels of ‘empty calories’ per day for males and females (see below).  The estimated empty calories intake is for unusually physically active individuals. Empty calorie are those that are derived from solid fats or added refined sugars.  Cakes, sweets, soft drinks, fast food, all contain a high number of empty calories as seen in this calorie infographic:

2-3 Years Old = 135 Cal for males | 135 Cal for females

4-8 Years Old = 120 Cal for males | 120 Cal for females

9-13 Years Old = 160 Cal for males | 120 Cal for females

14-18 Years Old = 265 Cal for males | 160 Cal for females

19-30 Years Old = 330 Cal for males | 260 Cal for females

31-50 Years Old = 265 Cal for males | 160 Cal for females

51+ Years Old = 260 Cal for males | 120 Cal for females


The Problem Starts Here > Calories in Fast Food

In 2013, the top 10 most unhealthy foods from America’s five most popular fast food chains are absolutely horrific when you are looking at empty calories intake.  The problems with fast foods from Hardee’s, Burger King, McDonalds, Wendy’s and KFC are that they contain a whole lot of empty calories and not much nutritional value.  Here are the 10 most unhealthy foods from these popular fast food chains according to the calorie infographic:

10. Burger King – Tendercrisp Chicken Sandwich (750 cal)

9. McDonald’s – Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese (750 cal)

8. KFC – Chicken Pot Pie (790 cal)

7. Hardee’s – 1/3 lb Original Thickburger (810 cal)

6. Wendy’s – Baconator (970 cal)

5. Burger King – Double Whopper With Cheese (990 cal)

4. Wendy’s – ¾ lb Triple (1,060 cal)

3. McDonald’s – Big Breakfast with Hot Cakes (1,090 cal)

2. Burger King – Triple Whopper with Cheese (1,230 cal)

1. Hardee’s – The Monster Thickburger (1,300 cal)


And The Problem Continues with Calories in Takeout Foods…

But the problem with empty calorie intake doesn’t stop at the top five fast food chains.  Popular takeout foods are also loaded with carbs and empty calories as noted in this calorie infographic:

5. Fish and Chips (838 kcal)

4. Kebabs (1,000 kcal)

3. Indian Foods like Chicken Tikka Masala, Pilau Rice, and 1 Plain Naan Bread (1,338 kcal)

2. Chinese Foods like Sweet/Sour Chicken, Egg Fried Rice and Vegetable Spring Roles (1,436 kcal)

1. Pizza – 12” standard size (1,835 kcal)


But, Calorie Intake is not the only problem…

As you know, eating is not the only problem in America.  It’s also the lack of exercise that is causing us to be the most obese nation in the world. Take for instance the examples in this calorie infographic.  Calories burned by a 150 lb person during 1 hours participation in exercise:

Dancing > 370 cal > The average Chinese takeaway would take 3:53 (yes, that’s 3 hours and 53 minutes) of dancing to burn off the calories consumed in Chinese takeaway food.

Football/Soccer > 468 cal > A McDonald’s Big Breakfast with Hotcakes would take 1 hour and 20 minutes to burn off when playing intense football/soccer.

Swimming > 603 cal > A Hardee’s Monster Thickburger would take 2 hours and 9 minutes to burn the calories when swimming!

Jogging > 675 cal > The average Indian kebab takes 1 hour and 29 minutes to burn off when jogging!


Other Calorie Inforgraphic Interesting Facts and Figures:

In 2011, Americans spent $117,000,000,000 on fast food.  There were 311 million people living in the United States in 2011, making the giant fast food industry approximately $376 per person!  Per campita consumption of fast food in 2005 around the world was: $566 in the US, $456 in Canada, $390 in Great Britain and $363 in Australia!  In the UK in 2011, there were 5,400,000,000 visits to fast food restaurants.  Even more striking is that half of all meals consumed in Britain are from fast food joints!
More information is online here: http://visual.ly/ultimate-guide-calories

Google Search Results now add USDA Nutrition Info on Popular Foods

Google nutritional info cards for food searches are now available for more than 1,000 of the most popular foods and meals in the United States!  Released on Thursday, May 30, 2013, the updated Google Search app and online search results will provide users with a user friendly nutrition and calorie info in response to food and nutrition related queries.


Google USDA Nutrition Info added to food related Google search results pages


Rolling out in the next 2 weeks, Google Search results now include USDA nutrition info on popular meals and foods.  So if you are curious as to how many calories there are in an avocado or banana … or if you’re interested in calories in full meals such as chow mein or burritos, Google Search will give you USDA nutritional details at the top of their results page.  As part of the new Google question-and-answer interface for search results, internet users can easily get information for some basic nutrition information in a visual way.  Earlier in May 2013, Google launched it’s new Google I/O feature which allows mobile device and computer users to click on a microphone icon to say and hear their queries and answers.

The Google USDA Nutrition Info on popular foods is generated through Google Knowledge Graph (a database that catalogues and brings in verified information from the web).  Between Google I/O and the new Google question-and-answer interface, users can find information faster and easier than before.  Not only that but the USDA Nutrition Information in Google Search results will also be ‘smart’.  The smart features include ‘related’ search results … For example, if you searched ‘apples nutrition info’, The Google Search results will give you a drop down list of USDA nutrition information on various types of apples like ‘granny smith apples nutrition’ and ‘red delicious apples nutrition’.  This way, you can also find and search for related topics very easily and quickly.

The USDA nutritional information is displayed in Google’s very well known and easier to read ‘card interface’.  The Google nutrition info is displayed at the top of your search results in both mobile and desktop search results pages.  The initial roll-out will include various fruits, vegetables, whole foods, meats and even complete meals.  The Google info card interface is very attractive and clean.  You’ll be able to get nutritional information very quickly and from anywhere in the world (although the audible search is only available in English during this initial roll-out).


USDA Nutrition on Google Food Related Search Results on Mobile and Desktop


Google Nutrition Info Drawbacks?

The drawbacks that we see here is that not all complete meals are the same.  For example, a home made burger is completely different in terms of composition and nutritional information when compared to a burger from a fast food chain.  Or, a chocolate bar that is 50% cacao has different nutrients when compared against one that is 80% cacao and contains nuts and fruits.  In addition, what is the accuracy of the Google Knowledge Graph at this point in time?  And what if it returns inaccurate nutrition info?  Probably best to use with caution during this initial launch as Google Nutrition Info from the USDA and Knowledge Graph will certainly be scrutinized by all users in the coming months.


New Google question-and-answer interface allows users to search for USDA Nutritional Information on Google Search Pages


USDA Nutrition Info on Google Search Pages > Our Summary

As of the end of May 2013, USDA nutrition info for over 1,000 popular foods has been added to the Google Search results through Google Knowledge Graph.  It also works with the new audible question-and-answer interface for both desktop and mobile food related searches.  Google Nutritional information results will appear throughout the US over the next 10 days.  The audible question and answer interface for Google nutrition info is only available in English but other languages will be added very soon.


Other Great Google Food Related Search Results Info:

Google adds USDA nutrition info to popular food and calorie search terms | Click Here

Google Inserts Nutrition Info Into Search, Can Report How Many Calories Are In Full Meals |  Click Here

Google introduces nutritional info cards for food searches |  Click Here

Google Search brings nutrition data to more than 1,000 foods |  Click Here

Google wants you to make ‘smart choices’ when it comes to food | Click Here

A Guide to Nuts and Nut Nutrition > Great Nut Infographic

If you are wondering which nuts are the best for you, here is an awesome nut infographic that presents information about nut nutritional value and nut nutrition in general.  Please note that the nut infographic is from the NutriBullet Blog.

As you can see from this infographic, the healthiest nuts providing the most nutrients, minerals, vitamins and fats are ALMONDS and PISTACHIOS.  In terms of nut nutritional value, they are followed closely by CASHEWS and PEANUTS.

Of course, the nut nutrition is based on unsalted and non-roasted nuts only.  Nuts are the best when eaten raw.

As mentioned above, this is THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO NUTS.  Almonds, cashews and hazelnuts are the best.


According to this NutriBullet nut infographic (which is awesome by the way), almost every type of nut packs a nutritional punch.  Considered a ‘superfood’, nut nutrition is amazing and fits in most diets including gluten free and vegan/vegetarian diets.  According to the information in this nut infographic on nut nutritional value, here is the breakdown of pieces of nuts per ounce, fat content, protein and fiber as well as overall calories.  Again, the serving size is 1 ounce of roasted, non salted nuts.  You will be amazed at the different types of nut nutritional values.

Almonds Nutritional Value (or Almond Nuts)

Considered to be one of the top 3 nuts in terms of nutritional value and calories, almond nuts are known to help with weight loss, reducing body fat content and even lowering blood pressure when combined with a low calorie diet.  Often considered as one of the most nutritionally dense nut, almonds offer the most overall nutrients per calorie and per ounce when it comes to nut nutrition as depicted in the nut infograph above.  Other benefits of almond nuts is that they may also help in lowering cholesterol, an increasing problem in Western style diets.  Here is the breakdown of almond nutritional value:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 23
  • Fat (total) = 14 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 13 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 1 gram
  • Protein = 6 grams
  • Fiber = 3.5 grams
  • Calories: 163

Almonds are a great source of calcium, iron, fiber, vitamin E, riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorous and manganese.

Almonds are the second ‘healthiest’ nut when it comes to nut nutrition after pistachios (surprisingly to most people!).  Almonds are very high in protein and fiber and have low levels of unsaturated and saturated fats.

Brazil Nuts Nutritional Value

Brazil nuts are high in selenium as well as vitamin E.  Both of these elements assist in helping the body fight off free radicals which causes damaged cells and sickness.  In addition, the fiber in Brazil Nuts keeps the digestive system running smoothly and keeps he heart healthy.  The Brazil Nut nutrition is also very good and features an extra energy booster in the form of magnesium.  Here is the breakdown of the Brazil Nut nutritional value according to the nut infograph above:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 7
  • Fat (total) = 21 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 16.5 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 4.5 grams
  • Protein = 4 grams
  • Fiber = 2 grams
  • Calories: 205

Brazil Nuts are a good source of selenium, vitamin E, fiber, magnesium, thiamine, phosphorous and copper.

Although Brazil Nuts rank poorly when it comes to number of calories in a single serving in addition to having high amounts of both unsaturated and saturated fats, this type of nut still has some essentials including selenium and vitamin E which other nuts are lacking.

Cashews Nutritional Value (or Cashew Nut)

Some of the best cashew benefits include phosphorous and iron.  Phosphorous is essential for building strong bones and teeth while iron is essential in keeping healthy skin, hair and nails.  The cashew nutritional value is exceptionally high when it comes to the amount of digestible magnesium which is used in building essential proteins and in keeping overall energy high.  Here is the cashew nutritional breakdown:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 19
  • Fat (total) = 13 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 10.5 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 2.5 grams
  • Protein = 4.5 grams
  • Fiber = 1 gram
  • Calories: 163

Cashews are a great source of magnesium, phosphorous, copper, iron as well as protein.

Cashews come in 3rd place when it comes to nut nutritional value with low calorie count, high protein and low levels of fats.  However, it also has a lower level of fiber compared with other top performing nuts.

Hazelnuts Nutritional Value

Hazelnuts may have some fewer minerals and elements when it comes to nut nutrition, but it certainly contains many benefits nonetheless.  Firstly, hazelnuts may prevent the premature aging process and both cell and tissue degradation.  In addition, hazelnuts are known to help produce good amouns of healthy red and white blood cells, which is critical for a healthy circulatory system.  The breakdown of the hazelnut nutritional value is as follows:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 20
  • Fat (total) = 17 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 16 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 1 gram
  • Protein = 4 grams
  • Fiber = 2.5 grams
  • Calories: 178

Hazelnuts contain healthy amounts of magnesium, copper, manganese, phosphorous, vitamin E, selenium and fiber.

Hazelnuts are very healthy and were in the middle range of all nut nutrition for 4 of the 5 factors above.  They also had the lowest amounts of saturated fats, which is good.

Macadamia Nuts Nutritional Value

Macadamia nuts have great nutritional value too.  Firstly, they are a great source of mono-unsaturated fats that help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.  Secondly, macadamia nutrients include magnesium and potassium which help in normal body functioning including heart function and muscle building).  They also assist in boosting energy levels.  Here is the breakdown of the macadamia nut nutrition:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 11
  • Fat (total) = 22 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 21 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 1 gram
  • Protein = 2 grams
  • Fiber = 2 grams
  • Calories: 204

Macadamia Nuts are a great source of magnesium, thiamin, potassium as well as manganese.

Macadamia Nuts scored poorly in just about everything except for fiber (where it placed in the middle).  Not the healthiest of nuts, but contains some trace minerals that the body needs.

Peanuts Nutritional Value

We’ve included the Peanut in the nut infographic, although peanuts are not really considered nuts.  They are actually legumes!  However, peanut nutritional value should not be frowned upon as peanuts have lots of nutrients.  The peanut helps maintain healthy skin, muscles and hair in addition to having potassium which helps regulate the body’s water levels and metabolism.  In addition, the peanut nutritional value also helps prevents muscle cramping (great when working out).  Here is the breakdown of the peanuts nutrition:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 28
  • Fat (total) = 14 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 12 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 2 grams
  • Protein = 6.5 grams
  • Fiber = 2.5 grams
  • Calories: 166

Peanuts are a good source of protein, niacin, vitamin E, folate, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese and copper.

Although not technically classified as a ‘nut’, the peanut comes in 4th place when ranked against real nuts for calories, fiber, protein and fat content.  In other words, keep eating peanuts.

Pecans Nutritional Value (or Pecan Nuts)

Pecan nutrition includes helping lower blood cholesterol levels by keeping the arteries clear and acting as a circulatory assistor.  In addition, pecan nuts help guard against infections and may even help protect against cancer (many studies are being done right now).  The pecan nutritional value is as follows:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 19 halves
  • Fat (total) = 21 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 10 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 2 grams
  • Protein = 3 grams
  • Fiber = 3 grams
  • Calories: 199

Pecans are a rich source of fiber, magnesium, phosphorous, copper, zinc and manganese.

Pecans scored poorly in 3 of the 5 nut nutritional breakdowns including calories (almost 200 calories per serving), unsaturated fats (worst of all the nuts) and protein (scored second last).  However, it ranked in the middle for saturated fats and highly when it comes to fiber content.

Pine Nuts Nutritional Value

Pine nuts are known to sharpen vision and boost the immune system, helping the body combat infections and diseases.  In addition, the high levels of mono-unsaturated fats help boost a healthy heart.  Many people confuse pine nuts as seeds, but they are definitely nuts!  Here is a breakdown of the pine nut nutrition:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 160
  • Fat (total) = 19 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 17.5 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 1.5 grams
  • Protein = 4 grams
  • Fiber = 1 gram
  • Calories: 188

Pine Nuts are a great source of manganese, vitamin E, copper, zinc, potassium, phosphorous, vitamin K and magnesium.

Also ranking lower on the nut nutrition chart are pine nuts.  Although low in calories, the pine nuts are high in saturated and unsaturated fats and low in both protein and fiber.  However, it does contain essential elements in copper and zinc in addition to a healthy dose of vitamins E and K.

Pistachios Nutritional Value (or Pistachio Nut)

One of the unique and awesome features of pistachio nutrition is that they are completely cholesterol free!  In addition, the pistachio nut is very high in mono-unsaturated fats which again helps your heart.  Other elements in the pistachio nutritional value includes B vitamins, magnesium as well as copper which are essential in strengthening the immune system to combat diseases and infections.  The pistachio nutritional breakdown is as follows:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 49
  • Fat (total) = 13 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 11 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 2 grams
  • Protein = 6 grams
  • Fiber = 3 gram
  • Calories: 161

Pistachios have a good source of fiber, thiamine, vitamin B6, phosphorous, copper and even manganese.

Pistachios are the best bang for your buck when it comes to nut nutrition.  Having the lowest calorie count, pistachios also have high content of fiber and protein while having low unsaturated and saturated fats.

Walnuts Nutritional Value

Last but not least are walnuts.  Some benefits and nutritional value of the walnut includes the high levels of mono-unsaturated fats as well as omega-3 fatty acids.  Both help in preventing heart disease.  In addition, omega-3 fatty acids in walnut nutrition help prevent both depression as well as arthritis, giving walnuts a vast range of benefits.  Here is the breakdown of the walnut nutrition:

  • Number of Nuts per Ounce = 14 halves
  • Fat (total) = 17 grams
  • Fat (unsaturated) = 16 grams
  • Fat (saturated) = 1 gram
  • Protein = 7 grams
  • Fiber = 2 gram
  • Calories: 173

Walnuts are high in protein vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorous, copper, manganese and selenium.

Walnuts come in the middle range of nut nutrition. It’s got great stuff and not so great stuff.  On the good side are low calories, most protein for a single serving and very low saturated fats.  However, it also ranks in the middle of nut nutrition when it comes to unsaturated fats and fiber.

Misinformation and Confusion Surrounding Nuts and Fat Content

As well, according to the NutriBullet Blog nut infographic, nut nutrition is always at the forefront of fat discussions.  Although nuts are high in fat, one must understand the difference between unsaturated (or mono-unsaturated) fats and saturated fats in your diet.  The unsaturated fats (which occur in much higher levels in nut nutrition as depicted in the nut infographic) are actually good for us in moderation.  The unsaturated fats in nuts can help us moderate cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of heart disease and heart attacks.  On the other hand, saturated fats, which are fats that are mainly found in animal based and processed foods, can raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease.

The general rule when it comes to eating fat (and in nut nutrition), is that most healthy adults should consume anywhere between 20 to 30 per cent of their daily calories from fats.  This is equal to roughly 44 to 78 grams of fat per day.  However, doctors and nutritionists advise that no more than 10 per cent of the total daily calories comes from saturated fats.  That is equal to only 22 grams.