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4 Superfoods that Fight Prostate Cancer
Professor Robert Thomas, a respected oncologist at Bedford Hospital and Addenbrooke’s (which is part of Cambridge University Hospital), and his team conducted a 6 month human study involving over 200 adult males with prostate cancer. The research and subsequent findings on foods that fight prostate cancer are now well documented. Here are the 4 superfoods that may fight prostate cancer as outlined by this British research team.
The most common cancer in men in the UK and the United States is: prostate cancer. Robert Thomas and his team in Britain did a 6 month human study that involved 203 adult men suffering from prostate cancer. Their conclusion? 4 superfoods may help fight prostate cancer in men. The 4 super foods include: green tea, pomegranate, turmeric and broccoli.
The Prostate Cancer Human Study
Dr. Thomas and his team split the 203 men into 2 groups. The first group took a capsule each day with the target ingredients (pomegranate, turmeric, green tea and broccoli). The second group took a placebo pill. The British researchers used PSA (prostate specific antigen) as the specific gauge on the results of these superfoods on fighting prostate cancer cells. Essentially, PSA is a protein that is produced by prostate cells which can be measured via a blood test. Men suffering from prostate cancer have elevated and rising levels of PSA. To make sure that the human study was conducted correctly, they used a ‘double-blind’ study method whereby neither the prostate cancer participants nor the doctors knew which capsules were being handed out to each participant.
The results were astonishing with the British team concluding that the four super foods certainly fight prostate cancer. The health benefits of broccoli, pomegranate, turmeric and green tea were certainly evident in this study. Obviously, further research should and can be conducted. Another great conclusion is that the 4 superfoods that may fight prostate cancer have no adverse effects on the health or well-being of the participants and are considered extremely safe for consumption in moderate amounts every day.
Here’s more in-depth information about the prostate cancer fighting superfoods:
Superfood #1 that fights prostate cancer > Green Tea
Numerous studies have shown that green tea contains high levels of epigallocatechin-3 gallate, which has numerous health benefits. The National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center found that green tea reduces the risk of stroke amongst Japanese adults. The extensive study involved adult males between 45 to 74 years of age. In addition, the green tea superfood also benefits both memory and spatial awareness, according to the Third Military Medical University of Chongqing in China study. Researchers from Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan concludes that green tea reduces the risk of functional disability in old age too.
Superfood #2 that fights prostate cancer > Turmeric
Already featured in one of our juice booster ingredient lists, turmeric contains curcumin which helps suppresses head and neck cancer growth according to the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. The Pennsylvania State University also concludes that turmeric along with cinnamon reduces the body’s negative response to high fat meals (that is, the body’s blood levels of triglycerides do not end up being as high as other people’s on high fat diets). As well, turmeric superfood may correct cystic fibrosis defects according to the Hospital for Sick Children and Yale University School of Medicine.
Superfood #3 that fights prostate cancer > Broccoli
Broccoli contains 2 essential components: sulforaphane and myrosinase, both of which help fight prostate cancer and other diseases. Broccoli’s sulforaphane may slow the progress of COPD according to the John Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore by raising the activity of a gene that protects the lungs against oxidative damage. In addition, sulforaphane in broccoli may also prevent breast cancer according to the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center (as see in mice). It can also protect us from arthritis according to England’s University of East Anglia. The enzyme myrosinase found in broccoli has powerful anti-cancer and anti-prostate cancer properties too according to the University of Illinois at Urbana.
Superfood #4 that fights prostate cancer > Pomegranate
The University of California has identified components of pomegranate juice that helps prevent postate cancer metastasis (stops the prostate cancer from spreading quickly). Also, pomegranate has benefits for dialysis patients according to the Israel’s Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. It was found that pomegranate juice can ward off complications for kidney disease patients by reducing cardiovascular problems and infections. Lastly, pomegranate may also help reduce breast cancer growth according to LA’s University of California study which show that this fruit contains six compounds which stop the growth of hormone dependent breast cancer by blocking aromatase.
As you can see, the top 4 superfoods to combat prostate cancer also give us many other health benefits that are equally amazing.
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