Men between the ages of 20 to 39 eat more added sugars than anyone else according the new US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The added sugars are mostly found in processed and pre packaged foods. A lot of sugar actually comes from so-called ‘health foods’ such as jams, sauces and salad dressings and in many instances, most of us don’t even know that they contain sugar and are unhealthy for us. The hidden sugar in our diet is causing many health problems that include higher blood glucose levels, diabetes, stress, sleep disorders, weight gain, ADS and mood swings.

On average, the typical US male between 20 to 39 eats 335 calories of unhealthy sugars a day, while women consume less at 239 calories per day. What the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found were 2 things that debunked typical myths about sugar consumption in the nation.
Myth #1 | Two thirds of added sugar came from food (and not drinks)
Myth #2 | Most of the added sugar was eaten/consumed at home (and not on-the-go)
Here are the top 9 sneaky sources of hidden sugar in our diet. Remember that most of these hidden sugars have suitable alternatives that are healthier and sometimes much cheaper and tastier. The first step for all of us is the recognize these unhealthy hidden sugars in our diet that include:
Hidden Sugar #1 = Bottled Tea and Ice Tea
Much of the hidden sugar in bottled teas is high fructose corn syrup and cheap sweeteners, which has been linked to cancers and various health diseases. A can of Arizona’s Green Tea has more sugar than a Snicker’s chocolate bar! The same goes for many other bottled tea manufacturers that just pack on the hidden sugars which make these drinks addictive and sweet.
Sneaky Source of Sugar #2 = Frozen Dinners
Although they taste alright and will fill our stomachs for a period of time, frozen dinners, including the ‘lean and healthy’ ones contain unhealthy doses of hidden sugars. In order to replace fat and carbs, low calorie and lean frozen dinners actually pack on the hidden sugars and salts that are very bad for us. The Lean Cuisine’s Roasted Turkey Breast entre frozen dinner contains 7 teaspoons of actual sugar! Ouch.
Hidden Sugar #3 = Yogurt
This one will surprise a lot of us as yogurt seems to be a healthy breakfast or snack. Low in calories and high in protein, yogurt is often used as a great work out snack food. However, many of the fruit flavoured yogurts are pumped full of sneaky sources of hidden sugars. Even Yoplait’s Original 99% Fat Free line has more sugar than 1 pack of peanut M&Ms. Always go for plain organic yogurt with the least amount of sugars. Read the labels!

Sneaky Source of Sugar #4 = Wheat Bread
“Wheat” does not equal “whole grains”. Although whole grains are great for heart health, weight loss diets and to keep you full, products that are labeled as “wheat” are not always true whole grains. Both grocery stores and restaurants will serve whole wheat breads that do not contain whole grains. On the contrary, many of these wheat breads are full of hidden sugar and enriched flours, making them taste like whole grains, but are unhealthy. This sneaky source of sugar can be seen at Arby’s Honey Wheat Market Fresh sandwich breads. It’s not whole wheat as the first ingredient for this bread is enriched flour and secondly, two slices contains 15 grams of hidden sugar. That’s a lot of sugar!
Hidden Sugar #5 = Oatmeal
Natural oats that are unflavoured and unaltered are very healthy. Consuming oatmeal has been linked to cancer fighting/prevention, weight loss and a healthy heart. However, many processed and packaged oats and oatmeal contain lots of artificial ingredients including hidden sugar that just sneaks up on you. Take for instance the Cinnamon Roll Oatmeal Express by Quaker. This one little snack has as much sugar as 2 Pillsbury cinnamon rolls (which in itself, isn’t that healthy either because of the artificial preservatives, flavors and hidden amounts of sugar). A great tip to sweeten your oatmeal is to simply add antioxidant rich, naturally sweet berries.
Sneaky Source of Sugar #6 = Spaghetti Sauce
Many consumers are also surprised that spaghetti sauce is ranked in the list of foods containing the most sneak sources of hidden sugar. Processed and packaged spaghetti sauces often contain high levels of hidden sugar even though tomatoes are naturally sweet. This is often because the sauce is made from unripe tomatoes or parts/discards of tomatoes that are used in other packaged foods. Spaghetti sauces are also made from cheap vegetable oil, subpar ingredients and dehydrated veggies so hidden sugar is a quick and effective fix for food processors to disguise this. Francesco Rinaldi spaghetti sauce (like many others) lists sugar as the second ingredient in their spaghetti sauce which is about 3 teaspoons in each serving. A healthier alternative is to make your own spaghetti sauce from your own organic tomatoes and spices or to choose even Ragu’s Tomato Basil spaghetti sauce which doesn’t contain extra hidden sugar.

Hidden Sugar #7 = Salad Dressing
Many packaged salad dressings contain high levels of refined sugars in order to come up with the flavors, preservatives and texture of their sauces. From blue cheese to ranch, all of these salad dressings make your healthy salad unhealthy. Not only that, but the ‘low-fat’ salad dressings are evil too as they take out the fat and instead, add sugar in its place. The Sun Dried Tomato Vinaigrette by Ken’s contains more sugar than a regular scoop of ice cream! Not only that, but it also has lots of food starch. So eating this salad dressing will give you 12 grams of hidden sugars plus starch which causes your blood sugar levels to spike. No good!
Sneaky Source of Sugar #8 = Fruit Jams and Spreads
Many people think that jams and jellies are a better alternative to butter or cream cheese. However, the hidden sugars in these types of foods is shocking. As an example, Smucker’s uses 3 different types of sweeteners and hidden sugars in their classic Strawberry jam! The main reason why they do this is that none of the ‘sugars’ will appear as the first ingredient on their label. The fruit becomes the #1 ingredient as there is more fruit than any of the 3 hidden sugars alone. That’s just sneaky, but it’s used by many food processors. The alternative is the Polaner’s All Fruit spreads because is unadulterated and contains no added hidden sugars. Or you can make your own spreads!
Hidden Sugar #9 = Asian Sauces
From sweet and sour pork to teriyaki to sesame, these Asian sauces in North America are packed with hidden sugar. Some of these sauces also contain unhealthy amounts of both corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup (you can tell by the ingredients that end in “-ose”). Also remember to check the serving size, because most of the Asian sauce labels recommend less than 1 tablespoon per serving, which as we know is not nearly enough for any small portion.