Infographic on Breast Cancer Prevention

Every year, breast cancer claims one victim every 75 seconds globally.  It is the most common type of cancer in the world.  Every 29 seconds, a new case of breast cancer is diagnosed somewhere in the world, and more than 1 million women are diagnosed with this form of cancer along every year.


Not only that, but breast cancer causes 14% of cancer deaths in women, with more than 465,000 deaths annually around the globe.  Plus, nearly 4,500,000 women are alive today who have received breast cancer diagnoses in the last 5 years.

10 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer

Here is a list of 10 ways that may help keep you from developing breast cancer.  It is not a guarantee that you won’t get breast cancer, but by following these prevention strategies, you may lower your oods of getting breast cancer and also improving your overall health.


Angeline Jolie: “I do not feel any less of a woman. I feel empowered that I made a strong choice that in no way diminishes my femininity.”


Sheryl Crow: “More than 10 million Americans are living with cancer, and they demonstrate the ever-increasing possibility of living beyond cancer.”


#1 | Exercise

Most people hate exercising or training but you just need to move more.  Take more walks with you dog or skip the elevator more often.


#2 | Maintain a Healthy Weight

A study found that women who gained 60 pounds after the age of 18 tripled their risk of developing breast cancer compared to those who only gained 20 pounds.  Even scarier was the fact that these women also seemed to have an increased risk of developing fast spreading types of cancer, not just breast cancer.


#3 | Eat More Vegetables

Colorful vegetables are full of carotenoids, an antioxidant that will fight cell damage by eliminating cancer causing substances.


#4 | Know Your Family History

By knowing your genetic risk, you are more likely to take the preventative steps necessary and to do the screenings on time.


#5 | Breast Feed Your Babies

Studies suggest that women who breast feed their babies for at least 15 months over their lifetime reduce their risk of breast cancer by 4 per cent.  It’s not much, but when it comes to life or death, it is a lot.


#6 | Eat More Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s help fight inflammation and inhibit the growth of breast cancer tumors.  Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids include nuts (like walnuts), oily fish (like sardines) and even ground flaxseed that can be added to your vegetable servings, smoothies or cereal every day.


#7 | Drink Green Tea

Green tea is filled with antioxidants. It can decrease the production of estrogen, a hormone which causes the breast cancer tumor to grow and it can also shut off blood supply to tumors. Green tea alone is like a three in one punch to beat cancer.


#8 | Think Twice About Taking Estrogen and Progesterone for Five Years or Longer

Prolonged use of combined hormone therapy can increase your risk of breast cancer.  So stop the pharmaceuticals unless absolutely necessary.


#9 | Watch Your Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol can affect estrogen levels in the body, which causes an increased risk of breast cancer in women.


#10 | Eat More Spices

Don’t be afraid of spices because the antioxidants in some spices such as turmeric can stop inflammation and inhibit tumour growth.


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The New Fitness Power Moves

CORE – BALANCE – STRENGTH.  These are 3 things that you need in order to master the new fitness power moves that are inspired by some pilates, yoga, martial arts, core balance exercises and strength.  In order to be a part of this new fitness movement, according to Details Magazine, one must increase their strength and balance and combine strength and skill in order to accomplish these incredible movements and exercises.  Requiring more than muscle to master, it’s all about leverage, core strength and balance.  Here are the new fitness power moves.  Are you able to master these?


The Eight-Angle Pose Power Move

Sit with legs in diamond shape in front of you, soles of feet together. Lift and cradle right calf in front of chest with both arms, elbows bent, palms facing body, foot flexed. Grab right heel with right hand, left hand under right calf, and lift and hook right leg over right shoulder. Place left palm on floor outside of left leg and press into floor to lift butt slightly, then place right palm on floor in front of you. Lift left leg and cross left ankle over right, feet flexed. Use abs to lift butt and torso slightly forward, straightening legs out to right side.


And if you are not ready to do the Eight Angle Pose right now, you can get your arm balance ready by practising these following 3 moves.


Bicycle Crunch

Lie face-up, right leg extended about 3 inches off floor, left knee bent 90 degrees, hands behind head, right elbow touching left knee. Moving slowly and with control, switch sides, rotating torso to right, extending left leg out in front of you and bending right leg 90 degrees, touching left elbow to right knee for 1 rep. Do 10 reps slowly. Repeat 3 times.



Start in downward-facing dog, then lower forearms to floor, elbows directly under shoulders, and walk feet in a few inches toward head, pressing heels toward floor. Hold for 3 breaths, then lower knees to floor to relax. Repeat 3 times.


Single Knee Plank

Start in downward-facing dog, then lift right leg to ceiling (three-legged dog), keeping hips facing forward. Shift forward to plank pose, bringing right knee into chest, back slightly rounded, palms pressing body away from floor, abs engaged, toes pointed. Hold for 3 breaths, then press back into three-legged dog. Repeat 5 times.


This article was originally published in Details Magazine in the June/July 2013 issue.  All images are courtesy of Details Magazine and cannot be reproduced!  Thank you.