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FITNESS > Single Arm Floor Press > Chest & Triceps Workout
Sick and tired of your regular chest workout? Do you fall into the bench press syndrome? Cable exercises and push-ups not working anymore?
Here’s a new and improved workout for your chest and triceps (called the Single Arm Floor Press) that not only work out both of these muscle groups, but can also be used for: muscle toning, muscle building and core training.
In other words, it’s a 3 in 1 exercise that allows you to change your routine and blast your muscles.
* picture from Men’s Fitness | Photography by: D Snipes
Single-Arm Floor Press (shown above)
Muscles shocked: chest, triceps, core
Sets: 3 to 4
Reps: 10 to 12 per arm
Rest period: 30 to 45 seconds
How to:
Hold a dumbbell in one hand as you lie on your back on the floor or mat. Then, you should tuck your elbow to your side and turn your palm so it faces inward (may feel a bit awkward at first). Make sure that your triceps are resting on the floor. Lastly, press the weight over your chest, and return to the first position. Repeat until you’ve completed the reps.
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